Contact us
Write us:
You are welcome to send us an email to info(at)creativetouch.com.np regarding anything you wish to share. You should receive a response within 24 hours. Most likely we received and responded your email, although some email providers may mark our email as spam or completely block them. Please check your Spam folder in case our reply went there. Also, do add info(at)creativetouch.com.np to your contacts so future emails aren't blocked. If you sent an email and haven't heard back from us after 2 working days, we may not have received your email at all. We do check our Spam folder regularly. Please try sending us a follow-up email.
Call us:
Phone: +977 1 49 70 331, 49 55 684, 43 55 237
Visit us:
Creative Touch Garment Industry
Ropeway Sadak, Naya Bazaar
Ward #16, Kathmandu
Bagmati Pradesh, Nepal
Office hours:
Sunday - Friday 09.00 - 17.30 hours Nepal time zone (GMT+5:45).
Find us on Social Media: